The Faculty of Philology and History of the Renaissance University of Education was established based on the requirements of the Resolution No. 1028 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated December 24, 2019 "On measures to improve the activities of non-governmental educational organizations".
The purpose of the faculty is to train highly qualified personnel with modern knowledge and high spiritual and moral qualities in the field of philology and social sciences, and to bring the prestige of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the international arena.
The motto of the faculty: "Salvation in education, salvation in education, salvation in knowledge."
The main principle of the activity is "The harmony of education and training is the guarantee of forming a perfect person."
The future plans of the Faculty of Philology and History are as follows:
Establishing an educational process based on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) and fully implementing it into the educational process;
To create opportunities for faculty professors and teachers to conduct scientific research based on national and international standards and prepare them step by step;
Improving the organization of planning, deepening and improving the quality of the educational process in accordance with the international practice of introducing modern pedagogical technologies and teaching methods;
Organization of education and scientific-research activities taking into account foreign and national rating indicators;
Preparing graduates as specialists who create new jobs, not those who seek jobs.
Dean, deputy dean, stylist and dispatcher work in the faculty.
The Faculty of Philology and History includes the following 3 departments:
Department of Socio-Political Sciences;
Department of Philology;
Department of foreign philology