Department of Foreign Philology

Department of Foreign Philology was established in accordance with the decision of the Council of REU on Mart 2, 2024.
The department is training specialists in foreign language and literature: English and Philology and language teaching (Romance-Germanic languages). At the same time, the department teaches English, French, German and Arabic as a second foreign language.
The main mission of the department is to organize independent education for students based on the electronic education system, to establish close relations with companies in the field of translation, to introduce new innovative technologies of education, to involve students and teachers in scientific research, consists of cooperation with well-known professors and teachers and experienced foreign experts on the development and implementation of interactive language teaching tools.
Areas within the department:
60111800 – Foreign language and literature: English
60130200 – Philology and language teaching (Romance-Germanic languages)


Xursanov Nurislom Iskandarovich

  • Position:
  • Specialties:
    PhD, Filolog 
  • Email:
2022-yil 29-oktyabrda “10.00.06 – Qiyosiy adabiyotshunoslik, chog'ishtirma tilshunoslik va tarjimashunoslik ixtisosligi bo‘yicha "Dramatik diskursda verbal va noverbal komponentlar munosabati (O'zbek va ingliz tillaridagi asarlar misolida)"  mavzusida filologiya fanlar bo'yicha falsafa doktori ilmiy darajasini olish uchun dissertatsiya ishini muvaffaqqiyatli himoya qilgan.  
Pedagogik faoliyati davomida 40 dan ortiq ilmiy maqolalar, 1 ta monografiya, o‘quv qo‘llanma muallifligida va hammuallifligida nashr etilgan.

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