Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies

The Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies was established in accordance with the decision of the Council of REU on August 30, 2023.
The main mission of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies is to provide students with high-level classes and prepare competitive personnel, to increase the scientific potential of professors and teachers of the department based on the development strategy of the university, to publish scientific articles at the international and national level. and participation in conferences, by establishing partnerships with universities and enterprises of the Republic and international level with extensive experience, to bring the university to a high place in the national and international rankings.
In addition, students Abdulaziz Abdulatifov, Abdujalil Kurchiyev were among the 600 participants from more than 15 developed countries such as Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Bulgaria at the IV International Open Science Olympiad in Mathematics (OMOUS-2024) held in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. and took 3rd place in category B and won 2 bronze medals.


Yunusov G‘anisher G‘afirovich

2007-yil 17-oktyabrda “01.02.05 – Suyuqlik, gaz va plazmalar mexanikasi” ixtisosligi bo‘yicha “Ochiq oqimlarning ajralish sohasidagi gidrodinamik parametrlar” mavzusida texnika fanlar nomzodi ilmiy darajasini olish uchun dissertatsiya ishini muvaffaqqiyatli himoya qilgan.
Hozirgi kunda “Katta hajmdagi ko‘p fazali suyuqliklar oqimi nazariyasi tadqiqoti” mavzusida doktorlik ishini olib bormoqda.
Pedagogik faoliyati davomida 100 dan ortiq ilmiy maqolalar, 2 ta monografiya, 3 ta o‘quv qo‘llanma, 10 dan ortiq uslubiy qo‘llanma muallifligida va hammuallifligida nashr etilgan.

Our teachers