Department of Economics

Department of Economics was established in accordance with the decision No. 1 of the REU Council dated August 30, 2023.
The purpose of the department is to train a new generation of business leaders who have creative abilities for economic sectors, make innovative decisions in the implementation of acquired knowledge, make a worthy contribution to the development and introduction of innovative technologies to ensure the country's economic growth, economic development and sustainable development. to actively participate in the development of human capital in order to achieve its goals, to ensure the continuous development of faculty activities based on the best practices of leading foreign higher education institutions, to scientifically substantiate the solutions to problems in our region within the framework of the integration of science, innovation, education and production, experts and leaders as producing highly employable graduates.
In the field of cooperation, the department has established relations with two universities in Korea: "Korea Aerospace University" and "Guangneung" National University, and "Utara" University of Malaysia.


Xusanov Durbek Nishonovich

2012-yil 15-mayda 08.00.01- “Iqtisodiyot nazariyasi” ixtisosligi bo‘yicha “Agrar sohada renta munosabtlarini takomillashtirish” mavzusida  iqtisodiyot fanlari nomzodi dissertatsiyasini yoqlagan.
2022-yil 25-martda 08.00.07 - “Moliya pul muomalasi va kredit” ixtisosligi bo‘yicha “Mamlakatda investision faollik mexanizmi samaradorligini oshirish yo‘nalishlari” mavzusidagi iqtisodiyot fanlari doktori (DSc) dissertatsiyasini ximoya qilgan.
O'zining ilmiy pedagogik faoliyati jami 100 ta ilmiy ish chop etilgan bo‘lib, shulardan 6 ta monografiya, 4 ta o‘quv qullanma, 4 ta darslik,  60 ta maqola, 26 tasi ma’ruza tezislaridir.

Our teachers