Psychology (by types of activity)

60310900-objects of professional activities of bachelors in the field of Psychology (Applied Psychology) Education:
- psychological yardage in enterprises, organizations and institutions; organization and implementation of psychological activities in the educational environment, educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers, students and employees of general secondary educational schools and secondary specialized, vocational educational institutions, clients of rehabilitation and psychological service centers;
- Republican Diagnostic Center tests and methods of psychological research organizing their conduct;- sports team trainers and athletes; processes of psychological service delivery, mtjos; patents that apply with personal problems;- organization and application of the equipment of the laboratory of Experimental Psychology; solution of psychological problems in sales and domestic service;
- neighborhoods and citizens;
- Organization of the activities of Psychological Services Centers for the population;
- providing psychological assistance in military and law enforcement agencies;
- selection of personnel and psychological organization of their activities, psychodiagnostic;
-research processes in the specialty of psychological counseling, psychocorrection, psychoproflactic, psychological enlightenment measures and psychology.
Modern achievements of Science, Technology and technology in the direction can be additional and changes in the objects of activity of bachelors, based on the requirements of Personnel customers. Possible additions and changes are intended to be taken into account in the development of qualification requirements and training plans of certain educational areas.