Economics (by industries and sectors)

Training in the 60310100-economics direction (by industry and branches) provides in-depth knowledge not only for understanding modern economic models and features of forming new trends in the digital economy, but also allows you to master data analysis methods, study the use of electronic systems and the latest innovations in solving economic and financial problems.


This educational concept, laid down in this direction, allows you to combine in-depth knowledge of higher mathematics, economic theory and applied sciences of information analysis, as well as soft-skills, which include the ability to conduct successful presentations and business negotiations. This effective form of student attention management helps graduates to compete successfully in the labor market and quickly convey to the employer the most important information about the level of their professional competence.


The proposed training format, which involves not only mastering the academic concepts of modern economics and finance, but also a large range of instrumental disciplines relevant in the digital economy, will allow students to continue their studies in the master's and doctoral programs of leading world universities in their chosen specialty.