Taxes and taxation (by type of activity)

Within the framework of the educational direction 60410200-taxes and taxation (by type of activity), it is planned to study the processes of forming and executing budgets of various levels, the mechanism of public debt management, the functioning of extra-budgetary funds; the procedure for planning, accounting and reporting at enterprises, organizations, institutions; the organization and management of cash flows of enterprises, management, cash flow management investment activities. activity of subjects; features of organization of finance of enterprises and organizations; banking and insurance. The professional activity of an economist is carried out in all branches of the national economy and is aimed at servicing the business activities of enterprises of various forms of ownership, the state budget and extra-budgetary institutional structures. In the course of training, you can independently analyze and form a competent opinion on the application of tax legislation, have comprehensive knowledge in the field of finance, taxes, law, accounting, determine directions for improving the current system of taxes and fees, ensure effective management of the tax system at the regional and local levels when performing their official duties in the civil service, organize work with the tax system. you'll find out. Controls the use by taxpayers of funds received in the budget and extra-budgetary funds of social orientation.