Accounting and auditing (by industry)

60410100-Accounting and Audit (by industry) the educational direction is aimed at training highly qualified specialists in working with economic information, making economic, financial and organizational decisions, and evaluating their effectiveness. The list of subjects studied takes into account the requirements of professional standards of auditors and accountants, as well as the demand for digital competencies in the labor market. The course of accounting and auditing allows students to gain extensive economic knowledge on the formation and analysis of information necessary for any enterprise about assets, liabilities, capital, cash flows, income and expenses, financial results of the enterprise. Each graduate of this field can professionally serve business activities of all forms of ownership and implement their skills in any area of the national economy. The educational direction is aimed at preparing a qualitatively new generation of specialists in the field of accounting, applied economic analysis and audit to work on technological platforms. The competencies formed by graduates are the key to their successful implementation in organizations of any form of ownership, in conditions of individual entrepreneurship and self-employment.