Sports activities (by types of activities)

Sports activities (by types of activities) - organization of labor activities in physical education and sports organizations, organization and conducting of training sessions on sports, physical training in pre-school, general secondary professional educational institutions organization and conduct of education classes, training in sports activities, physical education and sports related tools, application of principles, training in activities, selection of tools and methods in relation to age periods, management of physical loads in terms of quantity and quality and includes a set of complex issues related to individualization, planning, control and analysis of physical training, management of the main aspects of sports activities, conducting scientific research in the field of sports.
Objects of professional activities of bachelors in the field of education:
preschool education, general secondary education, professional educational institutions and educational processes in them;the process of sports training for sports schools, specialized sports schools, training centers for Olympic and Paralympic sports;means and methods of organizing sports training;sports competitions.
Forms of education: full-time, part-time
Degree Awarded: Bachelor
Languages   of education: Uzbek, Russian
Program duration: 4 years (full-time), 5 years (part-time)
Program name: Sports activities (by types of activities)
1 Stage (day/outdoor)
History of physical education and Olympic movement, Methodology of teaching sports (athletics, gymnastics), Methodology of teaching sports (basketball, swimming), Organization of training at the initial preparatory stage (by sports), Methodology of teaching athletics, Selected consists of entering a specialty in sports.
2 Stage (day/outdoor)
Methodology of teaching sports (volleyball, handball), Physical education and sports pedagogy, Methodology of teaching national and movement games, Theory and methodology of physical education, Organization of training at the training stage (by sports), Theory of selected sports and methodology, physical education and the history of the Olympic movement, improvement of sports pedagogic skills (by sports), sports biomechanics, physiology and sports physiology.
3 Stage (day/outdoor)
Theory and methodology of physical training, theoretical foundations of sports training, psychology and sports psychology, sports medicine and rehabilitation, organization of training at the stage of improving sports skills (by sports), planning and refereeing activities in selected sports, physical training and sports pedagogy, It consists of organization of training (by sports), improvement of sports skills (wrestling), theory and methodology of wrestling, biochemistry and sports biochemistry at the training stage.
4 Stage (day/outdoor)
In the fourth year, you will learn the organization of training at the stage of Higher sports skills (by sports), scientific and methodological activities in the selected sport, theoretical foundations of sports training, psychology and sports psychology, sports medicine and rehabilitation, organization of training at the stage of improving sports skills (by sports), you will study planning and refereeing activities in the chosen sport, you will strengthen the practical skills of students of the full-time department.
5 Stage (external)
In the fifth year, you will study the subjects of organization of training (by sports), planning and refereeing in the selected sport, scientific and methodical activity in the selected sport, single combat sports and the methodology of teaching them, and practical skills strengthen
What you will learn:
Sports and physical education
Pedagogical (in the general secondary and professional education system)
Scientific researchUse and provision of service
Health and recovery
Organizational management
Your future resume
Position: Sports activities (by types of activities)
organization and conduct of physical education classes and sports training in pre-school education, general secondary education and professional education institutions;
organizing and conducting sports training in sports schools, specialized sports schools, training centers for Olympic and Paralympic sports;
conducting organizational and methodological activities in sports schools, specialized sports schools, training centers for Olympic and Paralympic sports, and sports federations;
conducting sports training and organizing sports competitions in sports teams and sports clubs;organization of physical education and sports events in production enterprises;
to work independently in positions that should be occupied by persons with higher education in the field of education;to continue higher education at the master's degree in the chosen specialty within the relevant bachelor's course;they are prepared for additional professional education in the personnel retraining and qualification improvement system.
Who can you work as?
Coach of the selected sport;
Physical education teacher;
Instructor-stylist in physical education and sports.