The renewed Constitution is a solid legal basis for the prosperous life of our people

The renewed Constitution is a solid legal basis for the prosperous life of our people

Ensuring full and direct implementation of the Constitution is the first priority task of state bodies, organizations and educational institutions at all levels.
In this regard, the Renaissance Educational University and the Tashkent City Council of the Democratic Party "National Revival" of Uzbekistan organized a spiritual ceremony called "Constitution - a celebration of justice" on the occasion of the "Day of Adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" on December 8. A special event was organized.
A roundtable discussion was held based on the essence of the Constitution, the changes taking place in our lives, and the fact that it is the main factor of our achievements. Explanations were given regarding the constitutional norms.Officials of UzMTDP Tashkent City Council, People's Deputies of Tashkent City-District Councils, party activists and students took part in the meeting.
Speakers who spoke at the event said that the updated Constitution is based on the principle of "man - society - state", that is, it envisages putting human interests above all else, for example, everyone should work decently, freely choose a profession and type of activity, safety and they emphasized that they have the right to work in comfortable working conditions that meet the requirements of hygiene, to receive a fair wage without any discrimination for their work and not less than the specified minimum wage, as well as the right to be protected from unemployment in accordance with the law.
At the end of the event, university students expressed their opinions and comments about the updated Constitution and party activities, and received detailed answers to their questions.