A cultural, spiritual and educational night called "It's not easy to forget you" was organized

A cultural, spiritual and educational night called "It's not easy to forget you" was organized

 Under the motto "Courage, pride and pride of the nation" on May 9, on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation, professors-teachers of the Department of Philology and students of correspondence education organized a cultural and spiritual event called "It's not easy to forget you." - an educational evening was organized.


The event was opened by the head of the "Philology" department, professor Mominjon Torayevich Turdibekov. After that, a video showing the facts of the war and the difficulties of that time was shown on the monitor.

After that, doctor of philology, professor Suvanov Zavkiddin read a poem and reviewed the history of the Day of Remembrance and Appreciation. 
When it came to the part-time students, they gave a variety of excellent performances. In particular, dance, poetry, stage performance - these caused the applause and recognition of the audience.

The most gratifying thing was that a student performed Hamza Hakimzada Niyazi's aria "Maysara's work" admirably.