There will be no shortage of people who have read the great Navoi

There will be no shortage of people who have read the great Navoi

When we talk about the great thinker Mir Alisher Navoi, our favorite poet Erkin Vahidov's lines from his ode "Uzbegim" come to mind: "...I have a grandfather like Navoi, Blue sky, I am an Uzbegim".
Great Navoi is also praised as "the sun of our nation". In order to understand the meaning of this, we need to deeply study the life and work of the scholar.
The same truth is embodied in the words of our Navoi scholars who say, "There will never be a shortage of people who read Navoi.
"The speech given at the event dedicated to the 583rd anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi, organized at the Renaissance Educational University, is proof of the above ideas. Nusratilla Radjabovich Barakayev, rector of the university spoke at the meeting, "Alisher Navoi, who spread the fame of his creativity to the world, not only "Khamsa", "Khazayin ul-maani", "Muhokamat ul-lughatayn", "Hayrat ul-abror", "Navodir un-nihoya" "He has been teaching our generations for almost six centuries with his unique works such as "Munshaot", but also with his exemplary life and great human qualities."
"Indeed, although events dedicated to Alisher Navoi's work, scientific-practical conferences, and creative meetings are held regularly, such efforts are not enough for the young generation to understand Navoi. "We need to teach Navoi and convey the essence of his rich literary heritage," the participants of the meeting emphasized.
In fact, based on his works, interesting films, stage works, and cartoons for young children should be created. So, in this regard, the representatives of the culture and art sphere, the employees of the system organizations also have a huge responsibility.
We think that the employees of the field will deeply understand this responsibility and will study, learn, teach and demonstrate the personality and literary heritage of our great ancestors throughout the year, not only in connection with a certain date.
Only then, in the future, we will be able to contribute to raising a highly spiritual, cultured, educated, nationalistic generation that knows its history deeply.