A roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Strategy of development: Youth - creators of New Uzbekistan"

A roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Strategy of development: Youth - creators of New Uzbekistan"

Today, in our country, our state is creating all the conditions for young people to become well-rounded and mature people who can make a worthy contribution to the development of the country, and great attention and care is being shown. After all, young people are the foundation of any society.
On the initiative of the "Economics" department of the Renaissance Educational University, a roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Strategy of development: Youth - creators of New Uzbekistan".
At the event held with the participation of professors-teachers and students-young people, mutual opinions were exchanged on the issue of youth, which was included in the "Development Strategy of New Uzbekistan" developed by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
During the roundtable discussion, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Salimov Bakhtiyor Tadjiyevich said that in the last five years, a historical turn has been made in the life of the youth of our country.
Also, drawing attention to the fact that the number of young deputies in our country has exceeded 6 percent, he assessed this as the greatest opportunity given to young people to express themselves and their political will.
In the roundtable discussion, which was full of intense discussions, it was recognized that the development strategy includes the goals aimed at raising awareness of the civic duty of young people, raising the culture of inter-ethnic interaction based on patriotism and tolerance in the coming years.
In the words of the head of our state, they emphasized that young people will always be at the forefront of building New Uzbekistan.