There was a workshop on continuing education abroad and 2+2 programs

There was a workshop on continuing education abroad and 2+2 programs

On the initiative of the Department of international relations, a seminar-training on studying at foreign universities, winning grand programs was held in the activist Hall of the Renaissance Educational University.
Vice-rector for international cooperation issues Byung Gwun Choy informed students that contracts were being concluded with foreign higher education institutions as part of exchange programs. He noted that today it is planned to establish mutual student exchange programs in the fields of Information Technology, Economics, Engineering with the Korean University of aerospace and the National University of Gangneung, the University of Utara, Malaysia. "According to the agreement, 20 students can be sent to Malaysia and 5 to Korea for education. We will further increase this figure in the future,” says Professor Choy.
During the Seminar, Murad Suleymanov, head of the Department of International Relations, gave detailed information about the students study abroad, opportunities to study in another country in one or more semesters, the documents required to enter foreign universities, the application process, the easiest ways of admission, the techniques of winning grants and scholarships.
In addition, it was mentioned that English language proficiency should be a B2 or Korean language qualification from applicants wishing to continue education in suitable specialties in the Korean state. At the end of the meeting, students received answers to questions of interest to them.