A scientific and educational seminar was held on the topic "Fate of Sultan Jalaluddin Manguberdi"

A scientific and educational seminar was held on the topic "Fate of Sultan Jalaluddin Manguberdi"

A scientific and educational seminar was organized by the Department of "Social and Political Sciences" of the Renaissance Educational University.
The seminar was attended by the management of the university, professors and teachers of the department, part-time students of the history department. At the event, the essence of the work of Kamal Matyokubov, a journalist who served in Uzbekistan, "The States of Khorezm Shahs and the Fate of Sultan Jalaluddin Manguberdi" was explained to the students.
First, in the introduction, professor, Ph.D. T. Alimardonov said that this work has a great role in studying the history of Uzbek statehood and drawing lessons from it. emphasized that it is necessary to be knowledgeable. Kamal Matyokubov, a journalist who served in Uzbekistan, who spoke at the event, spoke about the essence of the work "Khorazm Shahs' States and the Fate of Sultan Jalaluddin Manguberdi", about the history of Khorezm, the development of statehood, and famous people. , noted that world antiquarians have created hundreds of historical, scientific, artistic geographical works in Persian, Turkish languages, as well as in European languages, which are considered unique works in defining Khorezm's place in world history.
After the independence of our country, we began to study our history and heritage on the basis of original sources, impartially, according to scientific sources. This case has risen to the level of state policy. The forgotten pages of the history of our country, including Khorezm, which were buried in the bosom of the past, have begun to open again. At the event, detailed information was given about the heroic struggle of Jalaluddin Manguberdi for the liberation of his country and people from the Mongols for ten years.
The speaker Kamal Matyokubov said that we have a lot of work to do in scientific, artistic and sociological research of the life, history, and activities of Jalaluddin Manguberdi, who fought for the freedom of our country, and national heroes like him, and that their implementation is considered a vital necessity kidded.
The scientific and educational seminar was full of lively questions and answers, and it was agreed to hold such events again in the future.