The activities of the Advisory Council on Women's Issues are being improved in RUE

The activities of the Advisory Council on Women's Issues are being improved in RUE

The process of improving the activities of the university's advisory council on women's issues, electing its chairman and its members, as well as the dean's advisers, took place in the activist hall of the Renaissance University of Education.The rector of the university Nusratilla Rajabovich Barakayev, the 1st vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual-educational affairs Eshmurodov Akbar Tolliboyevich, deans of the faculty, and female professors and teachers and employees of the university took part in it.
This process is based on the Decree No. PF-87 of March 7, 2022 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On Measures to Accelerate Work on Systematic Support of Family and Women", Annex 1, Item 51 and the High It was implemented in order to ensure the implementation of the order of the Minister of Education, Science and Innovation No. 316 of August 20, 2024 "On improving the activities of advisory councils on women's issues".
At the council meeting, the chairman, 15 members, and dean's advisors were elected. Abdullayeva Hulkar Rakhmatullayevna, associate professor of the Department of Social and Political Sciences, doctor of philosophy, was elected as the chairman of the council.
It is known that 48% of professors, teachers and employees working at the university are women. The main tasks of the Advisory Council are to ensure the effective implementation of the state policy to support women, protect their rights and legal interests, and increase their role and activity in the country's social and political life, women's participation in labor teams, state and public administration. to strengthen its role in the field, to provide social and legal support, to make proposals for awarding women at the university with the badge of "Reputable Woman", to provide support to women, especially to students who need help, education organization and holding of various competitions and sports competitions among women in the institution.
Abdullayeva Hulkar Rakhmatullayevna, the chairman of the advisory council, gave a speech at the event and spoke about the priority tasks for the university's advisory council on women's issues in the 2024/2025 academic year.