A meeting was held between the leadership of the Renaissance University of Education and professor Ramazan Erdag, vice rector for international cooperation of Eskişehir Osmangazi University.

A meeting was held between the leadership of the Renaissance University of Education and professor Ramazan Erdag, vice rector for international cooperation of Eskişehir Osmangazi University.

Today at the “Renessans” University of education was held the meeting of the university administration with professor Ramazan Erdag, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Eskisehir Osmangazi University based in Turkey. During this meeting, issues of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation such as the implementation of a double degree program between universities, as well as academic exchange and internships for students and teachers, courses for improving pedagogical competence, the organization of language courses for Turkish as a foreign language and TÖMER certification, the organization of summer and winter schools were discussed .

In addition, the initiative of the membership of the “Renessans” University of education in Union of Turkic-language universities and its plans for participation in the upcoming summit in November 2023 was positively considered.