Spring is a sign of rejuvenation and renewal. Spring always makes our hearts happy with its beauty, elegance and freshness. At the same time, the special beauty and freshness of Spring is enhanced by the beautiful events and holidays celebrated in this season.
The Department of Primary, Pre-School Education and Sports of the Renaissance Educational University Form of extramural education 3rd stage, group 301 "Pre-school education" direction of students respect for our national values and traditions and "Spring in the Country" festive event was organized to raise awareness. The event was attended by the management of the university, professors and teachers, and students.The students held this event based on the science of "Pre-School Pedagogy" under the guidance of professor Phd teacher Yakutkhan Otbosarovna, in a high spirit.
The artistic part of the night was full of beautiful, national tunes and songs performed by students, attractive dances, and stage works reflecting values. The participants who took an active part in the event were duly awarded with certificates of appreciation.