Based on the presentation of the "Mutolaa" project, the film "Korkhma" was shown

Based on the presentation of the "Mutolaa" project, the film "Korkhma" was shown

Based on President Shavkat Mirziyoyev's decision to "implement the project of a thousand books for young people" at the Renaissance University of Education, within the framework of the "Reading" project, the film "Fear" was filmed based on the work "Fear" by Javlon Jovliyev. the premiere of the film took place.
First of all, a short film depicting the fate and life path of the heroes of the work "Fear" written by the young talent Javlon Jovliyev in a new and painful, new style and with a unique new tone of the new era is brought to the attention of the audience. 
 The film was released online via Zoom by the Youth Affairs Agency and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation.