Our goal: to train intellectual, experienced specialists!

Our goal: to train intellectual, experienced specialists!

Renaissance University of Education prepares undergraduate students on the basis of a state license in full-time, evening, part-time forms of education and 2nd specialization.
More than 15,000 online documents have been accepted for the course of external education.  Of these, more than 8,000 applicants successfully passed the examination process and were recommended for studentship.
 At the same time, the 4th grade of part-time education students are finishing their lessons and conducting control exams.
In the new week, the doors of the university were opened to students of the 1st year of the 1st group of part-time education.  Knowledgeable students of the educational institution began to learn from qualified and professional teachers.
We remind you that the students of the second group of the 1st year and the 2nd-3rd year of part-time education are involved in educational processes step by step on the basis of the schedule.
Renaissance University of Education is a place of international knowledge!