"My constitution is precious!" a festive event was held

"My constitution is precious!" a festive event was held

The Constitution is not only a document of today, but it is a document that defines the perspective of our tomorrow, the society we are building, and a lamp that illuminates the path of the future generation. Therefore, it is necessary to study the Constitution, which is the criterion of the life of our society, deeply and comprehensively, reach its meaning and turn it into a permanent guide of our practical life. "My Constitution is my precious!" a holiday event was organized on the theme.
At the event, the National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was performed with the participation of students and professors. After that, the rector of the university, Nusratilla Barakayev, made a speech and declared the holiday event "December 8, the day of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan" open, and the document embodying universal human and universal values   tested by our Prime Minister in history stated that.
The students of the university gave information about the state symbols, including the new version of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and presented a scene showing the defined rights of citizens in the field of access to medical services, legal awareness, and education.
The participants of the event were especially pleased with the congratulations of the Uzbek people in the languages   of different nationalities and peoples at the end of the event. The students finished the event with songs featuring the National Anthem.