Another portable lesson was organized with the participation of students of the Department of Economics

Another portable lesson was organized with the participation of students of the Department of Economics

With the participation of D. Mirsodikova, a senior teacher of the Department of Economics of the Renaissance Educational University, and students of the 1st year Banking and Audit department, the National Agency of Social Protection, in cooperation with the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the responsible agencies, "Ozekspocenteraz" in Tashkent "In the national exhibition hall, a traveling lesson was organized to the trade exhibition "For Humanity".
At this exhibition, about 200 entrepreneurs who employ persons with disabilities, including individual entrepreneurs and craftsmen with disabilities, will present their products (furniture, textiles, shoes, sports, food, technology, printing and other types of goods) are participating.
At the same time, within the framework of the exhibition, remote sales were organized in the regions with about 300 entrepreneurs.
The main goal of the exhibition is to support entrepreneurs, to create additional jobs by increasing their sales volume, as well as to increase the share of persons with disabilities in the labor market. In addition, the aim of the exhibition is to appreciate the talent of disabled people, to emphasize that they are creative and have their place in society, just like healthy people.
Students of the Department of Economics of the Renaissance Educational University appreciated the talent of disabled people participating in the exhibition during the mobile lesson, and were once again convinced that they, like healthy people, are creative and have their place in society.