How did interior design students pass the final exams?

How did interior design students pass the final exams?

Muqaddas Isakova, a teacher of interior design, associate professor of theory and history of architecture, expressed her opinion about the final control exams and results of students studying design.
The students of the "Interior design" department of the primary, pre-school education and sports department presented their work through an art exhibition based on the knowledge they acquired during 3 and a half months.
Although 20 young students gained knowledge and skills in the direction of columns and beams in a short time, they were able to show their skills in the method of color and pencil drawing in the final exam.
They had to depict historical objects in Doric, Ionic, Koren types, color harmony and composition expressed through colors. And the students did it perfectly.In addition, we can see the creations made in the layouts of the higher courses: figurative, volumetric and volumetric-spatial, golden-section method. This shows that students are working on their skills and learning complex methods even outside of class.
I can also say that our students, despite the fact that it is the 1st year, feel the connection between colors, use composition and postportuna in their creations. This is a great result.
I believe that in the future, our students will implement huge projects and great works in the development of this field.