Today is the day of adoption of the flag of our country!!!

Today is the day of adoption of the flag of our country!!!

November 18, 1991 - the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State Flag" was adopted.State symbols are sacred symbols that represent the independence of each country. The national symbols of our republic embody the glory, historical memory and aspirations of our people, and express our confidence in our peaceful and peaceful, free and free life, bright future.The symbols on the state flag of our republic embody the historical connection with the countries that existed on the border of Uzbekistan in ancient times and the traditions of the nations and peoples living on the territory of our country.We can proudly say that today the flag of our country is a symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan in international arenas, in particular during the trips of official delegations of the Republic of Uzbekistan to foreign countries, international organizations and various conferences, world exhibitions and various sports competitions. .The Renessans Education University team congratulates all our compatriots on this date! May peace and tranquility in Uzbekistan continue, may our flag fly high!