Alisher Navoi's legacy is a treasure of the nation!

Alisher Navoi's legacy is a treasure of the nation!

On the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of the birth of the great poet and thinker Nizamiddin Mir Alisher Navoi on February 9, a spiritual and educational event was organized in the "Adiblar" Avenue complex.
Professors and students of the "Economics" department of the Renaissance Educational University took an active part in it. At the educational evening, university students told stories and information about the poet, thinker and statesman of Uzbek and other Turkic peoples, the great representative of Chigatai literature in the West, and gave examples of literary works. 
After that, the memory of the thinker was commemorated near the statue of Alisher Navoi located on "Adiblar" Avenue, and special respect was shown to our great grandfather.