“Alisher Navoi - defender of spiritual values”

“Alisher Navoi - defender of spiritual values”

On the occasion of the 583rd anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi, the sultan of poetry, statesman, thinker, the Central Council of the "Milliy Tiklanish" party organized a literary evening at the State Drama Theater of Uzbekistan named after Abror Hidoyatov.
Alisher Kadyrov, chairman of the Central Council, opened the event, which was attended by members of the party, deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Supreme Assembly, and students of the Renaissance Educational University, and said that Navoi is one of the founders of the democratic party "Milliy Tiklanish", because the Semurg bird depicted in the party's symbol is noted that it was taken from our grandfather's "Lison-ut tayr".
"Semurg consists of 30 birds, and if they had not flown to different parts of the world to achieve their original goal, but had united under one idea and become Semurg, they would have achieved happiness and goals together without wandering."
- This idea of our grandfather Navoi is the main idea that our party is promoting in the society today, and if our nation is united and chooses the path of joint development, regardless of our faith, the world will become a house of peace and harmony, - said Alisher Kadyrov.
The leader of the party said that Navoi's greatness for our nation is that if he had not finished his works protecting our Turkish language, our mother tongue would have disappeared.
Unfortunately, after so much time, the Uzbek language is under threat again. Today, we prefer that our children remain in our mother tongue and become literate in other languages. Of course, learning foreign languages   is a virtue. But as our grandfather Navoi said, forgetting one's own language is foolishness. For this very reason, if we want our children to grow up to be patriots and respect our people and national values, we should consider their literacy in our mother tongue as a matter of life and death.
At the event, intellectual games dedicated to the life and work of Alisher Navoi were organized and our actively participating students were duly rewarded.
At the end of the night, the creators of the State Drama Theater of Uzbekistan presented a play based on the epic "Sabai Sayor" by our grandfather Navoi.