
Chang Xuan Mao

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2001-2002 University of California, Berkeley, USA
1998-2001 Pennsylvania State University, USA, Ph. D in Statistics
1996-1998 Fudan University, China992-1998 Nanjing University of Science and Technology, B.S. in Mathematics
Working experience
2020-2023 Professor of Statistics, Shanghai Business School, China
2010-2016 Professor of Statistics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
2008-2010 Principal Member of Technical Staff, AT&T Labs-Research, USA
2002-2007 Assistant Professor of Statistics, University of California, Riverside, USA
Selected publications
1. Chang Xuan Mao, Ruochen Huang, and Sijia Zhang. Petersen estima-tor, Chapman adjustment, list effects, and heterogeneity. In: Biomet-rics, 73 (2017), 167–173..
2. Chang Xuan Mao, Sijia Zhang and Zhilin Liao. On the asymptoticvariance of the Chao estimator for species richness estimation. In:Statistica Sinica, 27(2017), 1193–1203..
3. Chang Cui, Chang Xuan Mao, Jinhua Zhong, Wei Zhuang. On theresidual plot in a mixture model. In: Journal of Agricultural, Biologi-cal, and Environmental Statistics, 20 (2015), 218–228..
4. Chang Xuan Mao, Nan Yang, and Jinhua Zhong. On population sizeestimators in the Poisson mixture model. In: Biometrics, 69 (2013),758–765..
5. Chang Xuan Mao and Jun Li. Simultaneous Confidence Inference onSpecies Accumulation Curves. In: Journal of Agricultural, Biological,and Environmental Statistics, 17 (2012), 1–14.  67.
6. Chang Xuan Mao and Jun Li. Comparing species assemblages viaspecies accumulation curves. In: Biometrics, 65 (2009), 1063–1067..
7. Chang Xuan Mao and Na You. On comparison of mixture models forclosed population capture–recapture studies. In: Biometrics, 65 (2009),547–553.89.
8. Na You and Chang Xuan Mao. Population Size Estimation in a Two-List Surveillance System with a Discrete Covariate. In: Biometrics, 64,(2008), 371–376.. Chang Xuan Mao. On the non-identifiability of population sizes. In:Biometrics, 64 (2008), 977–979.
9. Chang Xuan Mao and Bruce G. Lindsay. Estimating the number ofclasses. In: Annals of Statistics, 35 (2007), 917–930..
10. Chang Xuan Mao. Estimating species accumulation curves and diver-sity indices. In: Statistica Sinica, 17 (2007), 761–774..
11. Chang Xuan Mao. Inference on the number of species through geomet-ric lower bounds. In: Journal of the American Statistical Association,101 (2006), 1663–1670.
12. Chang Xuan Mao, Robert K. Colwell, and Jing Chang. Estimating thespecies accumulation curve using mixtures. In: Biometrics, 61 (2005),433–441.
13. Chang Xuan Mao and Robert K. Colwell. Estimation of species rich-ness: mixture models, the role of rare species, and inferential challenges.In: Ecology, 86 (2005), 1143–1153.
14. Chang Xuan Mao. Predicting the conditional probability of discoveringa new class. In: Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(2004), 1108–1118.6.
15. Chang Xuan Mao and Bruce G. Lindsay. A Poisson model for the cov-erage problem with a genomic application. In: Biometrika, 89 (2002),669–682.