At the Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology of the Educational University "Renaissance" there was a round table on the topic "Sovremennoe programming v web-privilegeniyax". Na nem byl predstavlen new website, created student.

REU rector Nusratilla Barakayev opened the introductory part with her exemplary speech. The rector also asked the students "What is a website?" asked the question and they provided suitable answers to this question.
After that, the site created by the team of programmers was brought to everyone's attention. This site was created by a team of 10 students studying Computer Engineering (IT-service), Computer Engineering (Information Security), Information Systems and Technologies, Computer Science and Programming Technologies, Artificial Intelligence.
The team consists of ten people: Akhmadjanov Khairullo, Akbarov Sherdor, Torayev Akmal, Shavkatov Botirjon, Barkinov Farrukh, Ziddikov Zaynobiddin, Ziyodullayev Khaliddin, Nazirboyev Rasulbek, Elmurodov Ziyamiddin, Abduqakhakharov Abbas.
Projects and events created by the team are posted on the website.
You can learn more about the website through this link:

During the event, the teachers of the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies presented a presentation on the topics "Relevance of information security", "The role and importance of PR technologies in education".

At the end of the process, the department distributed gifts to the authors of the website.