A cultural and educational meeting was organized by the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the Renaissance Educational University, and a member of the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan, a laureate of the Usman Nasir Prize in the field of literature, and a winner of the "Golden Pen" National Prize in the field of journalism - To' lgin Eshbek was invited.

During the conversation, the guest Tolqin Eshbek said things that were "cut off from the oven", that is, they were not repeated anywhere. In particular, opinions were expressed about Uzbek folk proverbs and the history of the origin of some proverbs and their misinterpretation among people. This information caused the surprise of many people sitting in the hall and attracted everyone's attention. The questions about which of the proverbs "The teacher is as great as your father" or "The teacher is greater than your father" are the reason for everyone's discussion. At the event, Tolqin Eshbek also spoke about the teacher and mother, and their greatness is true. talked about.
After that, the process was connected with poetry and ended with the well-known pedagogue reciting his satirical poem "Followers of Mukej".
For reference, below is the biography of this person:
Tolqin Eshbek was born on June 1, 1963 in Ishtikhon district of Samarkand region. Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan) (1985). Since August 28, 2006, he has been a senior lecturer at the "Public Relations and Advertising" department of the Faculty of Journalism of UzMU named after Mirzo Ulugbek, since 2011 Since then, he has been working as an associate professor and head of the information service of UzMU. Tolqin Eshbek "Organization of editorial work" (2001), "Art of advertising in media" (2003), "Information service: working methods and principles" (2009), "Information-psychological security in the field of ideology" (2011), "Information-psychological security: theory and practice" (2013) training manuals, co-authored "History of world journalism" (2008) , the textbooks "Information and psychological security in open information systems" (2013) and the booklet "Journalism, spirituality, society" (2010) were published. He is the author of "Jigarbandlar" (1992), "The Wind Blown Day" (1993), "The Story of a Village Boy" (1994), "Jaydari Hangomas" (1996), "The Fate of a Lost Girl" (2000), "Caravans of Life" (2005). the author of prose collections. He is a member of the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan, the Creative Union of Journalists of Uzbekistan. He was a laureate of the Usman Nasir Prize in the field of literature (1993), and a laureate of the "Golden Kalam" National Prize in the field of journalism (2008).