Erkin Azam (born on August 10, 1950, Boysun district, Surkhandarya region) is a people's writer of Uzbekistan, a journalist with merit in the Republic of Uzbekistan, editor-in-chief of "Tafakkur" magazine. In 1972, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Tashkent State University (now the National University of Uzbekistan). After graduation, he started working in the field of journalism. At first, he worked as an editor at the Republican Radio, a department editor at the "Gulistan" and "Yoshlik" magazines, and an editorial director at the Gafur Ghulam Literary and Art publishing house. In 1992-1994, he was the deputy general director of the National Information Agency of Uzbekistan. Since 1995, he has been elected as the editor-in-chief of "Tafakkur" magazine, a deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan of the 1st and 2nd terms.
Erkin Azam's first sparks in writing began to shine during his school days. His story "Inson" was published in the regional murabbiylar_faoliyatlaripaper in 1966. Later, his short story collection "The Night the Lights Didn't Go Out" was published in 1977. After a short break, in 1981, the writer's collection of short stories and short stories titled "Father's Birthday" was published. Erkin Azam was awarded a special prize of the Youth Union of Uzbekistan for the collection "Father's Birthday". After that, the talented writer's "The world is green" (1984), "The answer" (1986), "Days other than the holiday" (1988), "Mir v tsvetakh" (1999), "Pakana's heart in love" (2001), "Late" A number of novels, short stories, and short stories were published in succession, such as "man" (2002). Plays based on the writer's works such as "Paradise is in order", "Shajara", "Dream of an old cleaning woman", "The owner of the house", "The dream of a lonely boat or a madman" have been staged in the theaters of our republic and achieved success.
Among the works written by the writer, the films based on the works "Chantrimore", "Parizod" were a novelty in Uzbek cinematography. Thanks to this, the film based on "Pedestrian" and "Dilkhiroj" received international attention and was broadcast on German and French TV channels. A copy of this film is kept at the Fukuoka Museum in Japan. The film based on the writer's work "Man" took part in the "Kinoshok" festival and won the "Best Screenplay" nomination. Grand Prix was won at the Vezul Film Festival. The film based on the work "Zabarjad" was awarded "Moscow Premiere" and several diplomas of the Commonwealth of Independent States. The film "Suv Yokhalab" was recognized as worthy of the "Serebryanni Vityaz" award at the "Zolotoy Vityaz" film festival, and was screened at the film forum held in New York. The film "Parizod" won the main prize at the Kinoshock festival. The spiritual unity of his works is the question of human will, the reaction to any kind of violence.
In the international arenaThe works of the People's Writer of Uzbekistan Erkin Azam have been translated into Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Tajik, Turkmen, Bulgarian, and Georgian languages. In 2015, the writer's collection of short stories was published in England and France.
Information taken from Wikipedia.

Olimjon Davlatov, a literary critic, Orientalist, and Navoi scholar, was born in 1973 in Sariosia district of Surkhandarya region.1993 - 1998 - Student of the State National University of Tajikistan; 1999 - 2002 - graduate student of the Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies; 2002 - 2003 - Editor of the publishing department of the National Society of Philosophers of Uzbekistan; 2003 - 2006 - Deputy Executive Director of the National Society of Philosophers of Uzbekistan; 2007 - 2008 - Deputy Director of "Yosh Kuch Press Press" LLC; 2008 - 2015 - Publishing director of "Tamaddun" LLC; 2016 - 2017 - Senior researcher - research fellow of Samarkand State University; 2018 - 2019 - Head of the department of thematic planning of film projects and monitoring of the film production process of the National Agency "Uzbekkino"; 2019-2021. Teacher of the "Classical Philology" department of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies; 2021 - Executive Director of Alisher Navoi International Public Fund. 2022 - worked as the director of the Institute of Social and Spiritual Research under the Republican Center for Spirituality and Enlightenment.
About literary work. The Idea of National Independence: Basic Concepts, Principles, Terms" Dictionary (2002), "Philosophy: An Encyclopedic Dictionary" (2004), "Western Philosophy" (2004, all co-authored), "Ibn al-Arabi and the author of his book "Wahdat ul-Wujud Philosophy" (2007). One of the authors of the 2-volume "Encyclopedic Dictionary of Alisher Navoi".The author's films (series, documentary) are: "Abdurahman Jami", documentaries "Uzbekistan - Center of Islamic Civilization", "First of August"; "Nasayim ul-Muhabbat: Stories and Guides" (2019), "Navoi Studies" (textbook for higher education institutions, co-authored, 2019), "Manolar Mahzani (comments on Alisher Navoi's ghazals, 2020)"Works translated by Adib: "Alloma Sadriddin Sherozi" by Khamanai (2006), "Hafiz and Irfan" by Murtaza Mutahhari (2008), "Mansur Halloj" by Louis Massin'an (2011)

He was born on July 27, 1995 in the village of Pandiron, Kasbi district, Kashkadarya province. In 2018, he graduated from Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi, and in 2020, he completed his master's degree. His specialty is a philologist. Until now, he is a reporter in the editorial office of "Entertainment-musical programs" on UzMTRK "Youth" radio channel (0 2016-0 2018), the editor of "Cultural-artistic programs" editorial office on UzMTRK "Madaniyat va marifat" TV channel (0 2018 -0 2018), Head of the "Film Process" department in the "Kino Art" magazine (0 2019-0 2020), Head of the regional department of the Association of Theater Actors of the Republic of Uzbekistan (2020-2022) worked in positions. Currently, he works as a junior researcher at the Institute of Social and Spiritual Research, Department of Analysis, Evaluation of Social and Spiritual Environment and Development of Modern Propaganda Technologies.
Khurshid Abdurashid writes poetry and prose. He has published 2 poetry collections, 2 scientific and popular pamphlets. His poems, stories and articles were published in the central publications of the Republic ("Eastern Star", "Yoshlik", "Uzbekiston Talabasi" magazines, "Uzbekistan Literature and Art", "Kitob World", "Vatanparvar", "Inson and Law" murabbiylar_faoliyatlaripapers) are published regularly. In 2021, five thousand copies of the book "I was there" were published by the Writers' Union of Uzbekistan as part of the "My First Book" project. In 2022, the second poetry collection "Only he remained" was published. The scientific monograph he wrote on the topic "Artistic interpretation of the image of Alisher Navoi in Uzbek dramaturgy" was included in the 30-volume "Navoi Studies of the Independence Era" published on the occasion of the 580th anniversary of Alisher Navoi's birth. In 2022, a scientific and popular pamphlet named "Usman Nasir" was published. At the moment, his first prose book - the novel "Dardisar" - is about to be published. He is also the scriptwriter of the feature film "Territory", which is expected to premiere in 2024.