An international scientific-practical conference was held at the Renaissance University of Education the topic "Theoretical and practical importance of philological-pedagogical research in the perspective of the New Renaissance". This conference is attended by prestigious foreign and national educational institutions: Karabuk University and Haji Bayram Vali University of the Republic of Turkey, Jamia Millia Islamia University of India, Aktyub Regional University of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Jubanov, Khojand State University of the Republic of Tajikistan named after Academician B. Gofurov, It was organized in cooperation with the Network Center for Pedagogical Staff Qualification and Retraining at Jalalabad State University named after B. Osmanov of the Kyrgyz Republic and Tashkent State University of Uzbek Language and Literature named after Alisher Navoi. Also, professors and teachers of the University of Casablanca, Pendidikan Sultan Idris University of Malaysia, Kazan State University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Osh State University, (Iran) Tabriz University and prestigious higher education institutions of our republic participated in the conference with articles.

The purpose of holding this conference is to raise attention to the state language in our country to the level of one of the priority areas of attention to spirituality. Therefore, it has become an urgent matter to preserve and enrich our native language, and to increase the efficiency of its practical use, as well as to achieve the results of advanced research in the modern directions of the Uzbek language. In accordance with the Decree No. PF-6084 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 20, 2020 "On measures to further develop the Uzbek language in our country and improve the language policy" "In 2020-2030, the Uzbek language ensuring the implementation of the tasks defined in the concept of development and improvement of language policy" is one of the issues that cannot be postponed today. After all, it is our honorable president Sh.M. Mirziyoyev's: to preserve the purity of the state language, to enrich it and to improve the speech culture of the population; his thoughts on ensuring the active integration of the state language in modern information technologies and communications prove the importance of the current tasks facing linguistics today.

Also, within the framework of the conference, the 50th anniversary of Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Raupova Laila Rahimovna was celebrated and they were solemnly congratulated.
During the meeting, a coffee break was organized by the university for the guests.