In the activists' hall of Renaissance University of Education, the Department of Socio-Political Sciences organized a spiritual-educational conversation on the topic "Jadeedlar: ideas of national identity, independence and statehood".
The roundtable discussion was opened by T. Alimardonov, professor of the department, doctor of political sciences and gave a speech about the history of Jadidism and its activities. In particular, he emphasized that "our priority is to deeply research and promote the exemplary activities of our enlightened ancestors, which are the bright pages of our common history, and their rich legacy that has not lost its value and importance."
Senior researcher of the Institute of History of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, associate professor A.Yoldashev, candidate of philosophy Sh.Kahhorova and doctor of history Sh.Ergashev's spoke at the roundtable discussion.
Researching and systematizing the advanced ideas and visions of our progressive ancestors, studying the role and influence of Turkestan moderns in the development of national statehood, analyzing the legal basis of the state structures established by them in the first quarter of the 20th century, giving a historical assessment of their activities aimed at building a secular, legal and democratic society, New Issues related to the fact that this heritage serves as a solid foundation for the creation of Uzbekistan and the Third Renaissance were discussed at the roundtable discussion.

Also, the ideological-political, social-educational and legal-ethical views advanced by our great enlightened grandfathers, along with the determination of the principle of tolerance and solidarity between different nationalities and peoples, as well as the aspiration aimed at protecting the national interest, in the current complex and dangerous times, all of us, first of all, it was noted that he is a real role model for young people.