Paragraph 2 of the Decree No. PF-6084 dated October 20, 2020 of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further develop the Uzbek language in our country and improve the language policy" states that "studying in foreign higher education institutions To provide the Uzbek language courses with the necessary scientific, educational and methodological literature, to increase the amount of scientific research on the teaching of the Uzbek language, as well as to organize the activities of Uzbek language courses in Uzbek language centers abroad. "getting" tasks are defined.
A group of professors and teachers of the "Philology" and "Foreign Philology" departments of the Renaissance Educational University organized a scientific trip for the purpose of this performance. They visited the State Universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Zumabek Tashenev and Mukhtar Auvezov of South Kazakhstan.
The participants of the trip within the framework of cooperation were welcomed by A. Mamit, the dean of the Faculty of Philology of the University named after Jumabek Tashenev in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and Sh. Noraliyeva, the head of the international relations department of the university, associate professor of the Department of Language and Literature.

The head of the "Philology" department M. Turdibekov, professor of the "Philology" department L. Raupova, professor of the "Philology" department I. Islamov and senior teacher of the "Foreign Philology" department D. Khakimova, who first visited from the Renaissance Educational University, hosted Sh. Under the leadership of Noraliyeva, they got to know the building of the educational institution, classrooms, information resource center. After that, they met with P. T. Bayneeva, vice-rector for educational and methodological affairs of the university. At the meeting, the guests were introduced to the university's educational process, the organization of classes, and educational and regulatory documents

After that, the rector of the university named after Jumabek Tashenev K.S. Baibelov received the professors and teachers of the Renaissance Educational University. He gave a close introduction to the activities of the university, its existing educational directions and master's degrees, and made proposals for cooperation in order to implement international joint scientific-practical, innovative, and fundamental projects. After intensive negotiations and discussions, the parties supported the proposals to sign memorandums and contracts between the two higher education institutions.

They also visited South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Auvezov at the second destination. There, together with Y. Madaliyev, the head of the Uzbek philology department, they got acquainted with the educational process, training, and the activities of the international department of the university. In this section, the process of signing a memorandum and a cooperation agreement was held within the framework of mutual scientific, educational and methodical activities of South Kazakhstan University named after Mukhtar Avezov and Renaissance Educational University. Proposals and recommendations on the implementation of purposeful, practical activities between professors and teachers of both sides regarding the scientific and pedagogical process were also approved.