In order to support and encourage young people interested in sports, Rector's Cup competitions are organized in the framework of various sports.
This year's competition was held in the sport of "Chess", which is called mental gymnastics. In it, the participants used their existing knowledge and intelligence, will, as well as logical thinking skills.
In a game that tested patience and analytical thinking, the participants were able to manage stress, and those who were able to stick to their goals won.
According to the results:
1st place Hakimov Elyor is a student of the Faculty of External Education, Department of Sports

2nd place Hudayberdiyev Sardor, student of the Faculty of External Education, sports department

3rd place Jorakulova Shahinabonu Student of the Faculty of External Education, Accounting and Auditing

At the end of the process, the winners were awarded diplomas, medals and souvenirs.