At the meeting held with the participation of professors and students of the "Primary, preschool education and sports" department, Nusratilla Rajabovich Barakayev, rector of Renaissance Educational University, spoke and said, "There is a hopeful person who always lives forward. A dream strives towards goals and intentions in the fulfillment of desires. They strive to achieve certain goals. As long as there is no hope and aspiration, goal and result, the life of a person will be without grace, fruitless, colorless and meaningless. In front of the current of life, like a whirlwind of a lively river, he is mentally weak, physically defeated, and becomes depressed. It is natural that everyday worries destroy the spiritual world of a person. Only a strong-willed person like Metin can perfectly determine the direction of his life. His noble aspiration leads to perfection and maturity," he told the audience.

During the roundtable discussion, the activity and creative path of Azam Abdusalomovich Khalikov, speaker on the topic "Secrets of pedagogical technology and pedagogical skill", was introduced.
We know that any complex modern information technologies, integrations, universal innovations in the field of science are first mastered by the teacher, and then they are conveyed to the minds and thinking of students in exchange for his knowledge, level, and ability. Every year, the demands on the teacher's professional activity are increasing. This is the demand of the present time. Therefore, the term "pedagogical skill" applied to a teacher will never become obsolete, but will be improved, enriched and changed according to the requirements of the times. As it is, scientific research in this field will not lose its position at all.
These deep thoughts invited Azam Abdusalomovich to conduct new research and research in the scientific direction. He named the subject of his doctoral dissertation "Development of pedagogical skills of future teachers in higher education institutions." In 2018, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation on this chosen topic. Azam Khalikov's first textbook entitled "Pedagogical skill" is the position of teachers of the present time, the secrets of their professional activity, the ways and means of developing their professional activity within the requirements of the time, pedagogical tact, pedagogical delicacy, pedagogical technique, and the art of public speaking. , high will, pedagogic-psychological knowledge and deep knowledge of his subject, wealth of thinking, political literacy, teaches such things as. This manual has been translated into several languages.

Azam Abdusalomovich Khalikov, professor, doctor of pedagogic sciences, owner of a unique talent, deserves respect as a respected teacher. To date, the scientist has published about twenty textbooks and training manuals, more than 150 scientific articles. As a scientific leader, 24 young scientists were awarded the degree of doctor of philosophy (PhD) under his guidance. He is gaining respect as a close advisor and mentor of students, masters, basic independent researchers, doctoral students. The selfless work of scientist A.A. Khalikov, recognized as a knowledgeable representative of his field, was duly rewarded. He is the winner of "Public Education" of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, "Veteran of Labor" badges and many awards of our state.