On October 23 of this year, a spiritual and educational discussion on the topic "Awareness and vigilance - the need of the times" was organized at the Renaissance University of Education. At the event, the first vice-rector for youth issues and spiritual and educational affairs A. Eshmurodov, the rector's advisor Z. Kholikov, the employee of the Committee on Religious Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan J. Melikoziyev, professor- teachers and students participated.

It was emphasized at the roundtable that in our country, it is necessary to raise the young generation in the spirit of love for the motherland, respect for national and universal values, and to pay special attention to protecting them from the influence of ideas that are harmful to our spirituality. The rapid development of today's mass communication technologies and the increasing number of young people among the users of services on the Internet require each of us to be more alert and aware in this regard. Just like everything has its pros and cons, social media can be good or bad. Our task is to take measures to serve young people in a noble way, to try to limit them from its harm.
At the event, information was given about the reforms being carried out in the religious and educational sphere in our country, their essence and important aspects. It was noted that the main task of today is to ensure the stability of the social and spiritual environment among students, and to increase the effectiveness of education.
At the end of the discussion, students received detailed answers to their questions.