Yesterday, an international scientific-practical conference on the topic "Theoretical and practical importance of philological-pedagogical research in the perspective of the New Renaissance" was held at the Renaissance University of Education, and a number of visiting professors and specialists from abroad participated in it.
In this regard, in order to familiarize foreign guests with our literature and history, an excursion to the Alley of Writers was conducted with their participation. During the process, they were given good information about when the avenue was established, poets and writers whose statues were placed there. Also, they stopped by the statue of Abdulhamid Cholpan and gave interesting details about his life and work.

Happily, the representatives of Jalalabad State University named after B.Osmanov of the Kyrgyz Republic and Casablanca University of Morocco watched the Avenue of Writers and the statues of great poets and writers there with great interest and pleasure.
In particular, the professor of the University of Casablanca, Morocco, Bekkali Mohammed, noted that he was extremely happy to see the Alley of Writers, where the statues of the poets and writers and figures who have done great work in literature and education are installed.