Among the students of the Renaissance University of Education, a preventive event was held on the topic "Effective ways to eliminate problems such as delinquency, drug addiction and immorality, which negatively affect the moral and moral condition of young people".
Youth inspectors of Shaykhontohur district Department of Internal Affairs, imam of "Fatimai Zahro" mosque, university students took part in it. At the meeting, educational activities were conducted among students regarding the elimination of delinquency problems, obtaining women's warrants, and awareness of fraud and cyber threats.
Z. Narziyev, the head of the youth work, spiritual and educational department, expressed his opinion at the roundtable discussion about ensuring the stability of the socio-spiritual environment among students and increasing their political and legal knowledge.
Addressing the students, the imam of the "Fatimai Zahro" mosque, M. M. Mukhammadiyev, emphasized that acquiring knowledge is their main goal and duty.
Lieutenant-Colonel F.M. Mansurova, Senior Inspector of Youth Issues Inspectorate of Shaykhontohur District Department of Internal Affairs, Lieutenant-Colonel Sh.R. Kadirovlar spoke out and said to be aware of the current cyber threats, to not give bank card numbers and validity periods to anyone, "The state is providing aid money"! They emphasized that they do not believe such false murabbiylar_faoliyatlari.
They also provided information on the procedure for obtaining a protection warrant for women and its validity period.
At the end of the event, students received detailed answers to their questions from experts