The Department of Philology of the Renaissance Educational University organized a republican scientific-practical conference with the participation of foreign scientists on the topic "Actual problems of philology".
The guests were greeted with respect and honor along the "red corridor" and REU Rector Nusratilla Barakayev opened the event with her passionate speech.
The purpose of holding this conference: in paragraph 2 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On measures to further develop the Uzbek language and improve the language policy" of October 20, 2020 No. PF-6084 "foreign providing Uzbek language courses in higher education institutions with the necessary scientific, methodological, literary literature, increasing the amount of scientific research on teaching the Uzbek language, as well as Uzbek in Uzbek language centers abroad the tasks of establishing language teaching courses" are defined.
The conference was also dedicated to the bright memory of linguist scientist Abduvali Berdialiyev.
At the conference, foreign scientists performed online through the Zoom platform. In particular, Deputy Chairman of the Society of Friendship of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan under the government of Sughd Region, Doctor of History, Professor Usmonzada Ayub Islam on the topic "New aspects of cultural cooperation between the Tajik and Uzbek peoples", Zumabek Tashenev of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rector of the University named after Osmanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Baibulov Kanat Seytjanovich about "Cooperation and prospects of Renaissance Educational University and Kazakh universities", Professor of Jalalabad State University named after Osmanov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Academician Mirzakhidova Miyassar Inamzhanovna He spoke about the "morphology of Turkic languages".

In the main part of the conference, Isajon Sultan, adviser to the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation on issues of improving the efficiency of spiritual and educational work, ensuring compliance with the laws on the state language, Renaissance Educational University professor, doctor of philological sciences Raupova Layla Rakhimovna, professor of the National University of Uzbekistan, doctor of philological sciences Sayfullayeva Rano Raufovna, professor of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, doctor of philological sciences, professor Tokhliyev Baqijon, professor of Chirchik State Pedagogical University Rasulov Ravshankhoja , Professor of Alisher Navoi TashDO'TAU Husanov Nishonboy, Professor of the Institute of Uzbek Language, Literature and Folklore of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan Barakayev Rahmatilla, Professor of Samarkand State University of Foreign Languages, Doctor of Philology Turobov Abdurayim "The development of the Uzbek language in the new Uzbekistan place", "Development of Uzbek linguistics", "Ancient Turkic monuments as rare sources of national language wealth", "Is it easy to speak or listen?", "Problems of teaching the language of higher education and speech culture ” and gave lectures on "Progress and problems of modern linguistics".

The conference continued its work in the branches. Lectures of scientists caused heated discussions.
At the end, the participants expressed their opinions and suggestions regarding the conference.