Relay of knowledge


"Alley of Writers" located in the city of Tashkent is significant not only for its appearance and unique landscape, but also for spiritual, educational and cultural aspects. The life path, creativity and immortal heritage of 24 great figures of Uzbek national literature, whose names are mentioned and whose statues are installed in this place, is a huge example school for the present and future generations.

Our modern thinkers such as Mahmudhoja Behbudi, Munavvar Qori, Abdulla Qadiri, Abdurauf Fitrat, Aldulhamid Cholpon, students of the Renaissance Educational University, and Ogahi, Furqat, Aibek, Abdulla Qahhor, Gafur Ghulam, participated in the "Relay of Knowledge" , Hamid Olimjon, Zulfiya, Abdulla Oripov, Erkin Vahidov, Muhammad Yusuf and other famous creators, how much they know about the priceless spiritual treasure left behind was tested by asking questions.

This competition, organized for the execution of the relevant order of the Minister of Higher Education, Science and Innovation, took place in a lively and friendly spirit. Teams of young people studying in different fields of our educational institution demonstrated their knowledge on the life and literary work of many artists and tested their knowledge among themselves.

According to the results of the competition: 1st place went to the Department of Philology, 2nd place to the Department of Mathematics and Information Technologies, and 3rd place to the Department of Economics.

At the end of the event, the winners were given special gifts of the university and all the participating departments were awarded with "Thank you".