Professor T. Alimardonov opened a scientific-practical seminar by the Department of "Social and Political Sciences" on the occasion of Amir Temur's birthday in the activist hall of the Renaissance Educational University. He said: the scientific-practical seminars regularly held under the leadership of this department are scientific presentations of professors and teachers based on scientific research topics and articles published in the republican and foreign press and serve as a forum for debate and dialogue for students.

Professor F. Ravshanov's lecture on the topic "Life of Amir Temur and culture of the Timurid period (second half of the 14th century - 15th century)" during the period of Amir Temur, "social-political, cultural situation, state administration, culture of military administration, economy and financial relations in Movarounnahr, expressed scientific analytical opinions on the basis of a visual presentation on the topics of tax and trade system, improvement and urban planning, diplomatic relations, science, education, art, literature. Students were invited to the discussion area and received answers to their questions. The event was full of impressions based on heated debates.
At the end of the seminar, Professor T.T. Alimardonov, doctor of political sciences, thanked the speaker for his interesting ideas based on extensive scientific information and, in turn, wished the students who actively participated in the seminar progress in their studies and scientific research.