Cooperation relations were established with Korea Aerospace University


Cooperation relations were established with Korea Aerospace University

Cooperation relations were established with Korea Aerocosmetic University A meeting was held between Renaissance University of Education and Korea Aerocosmetic University.  
It was attended by university rectors, the former Minister of Finance of Korea, professors and observers. Within the framework of the memorandum, Nusratilla Barakayev, the rector of the Renaissance Educational University, introduced the Korean partners in detail about the organization of the university, its main directions, the educational system, and the privileges given to students. 
During the conversation, the Rector of the Korea Aerocosmetic University offered to open the "Korean International School" at the Renaissance Education University.  The school noted that it is ready to teach students in IT, economics and aviation on the basis of a transfer program.  The program can be implemented in the form of 2+1+1.  
Hee-young Hurr, Rector of Korea Aerocosmetic University, expressed his support for the implementation of this project as soon as possible. Also, special attention was paid to the creation of textbooks based on the experience of the two universities and also improvement in the qualifications of teachers. 
Former Minister of Finance Namki Hong said that the rector of the Renaissance Education University is admirable for his work today and is pleased with his cooperation in future projects. 
The Uzbek professor-teacher gave a presentation about his teaching at Korea Aerocosmetic University and the university's educational processes. At the end of the event, a memorandum was signed between the two universities to strengthen cooperation.