History (by countries and directions)

History (by countries and directions) The program is aimed at training specialists who will be able to teach Eastern and Western languages in addition to their specialties in preschool institutions, institutions of general and secondary specialized education, as well as in junior research institutions of social and humanitarian research institutions and organizations, as well as in higher educational institutions and work as a scientific and technical staff. Duration of study: full-time education - 4 years, part-time education - 5 years. The program has state accreditation. The purpose of the program is the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, the acquisition and improvement of the competencies necessary to solve professional problems in the field of general history, language and vocabulary of the studied eastern country; the history of the region (country), historical sources and historiography, methods of historical research, the history of religious relations, culture and spirituality, the history of socio-political, economic, ethnic processes, the system of religious, philosophical, ideological, material and spiritual culture, complex issues related to history. Students consolidate their knowledge, acquire skills and form their own unique work experience during the practice that accompanies the entire period of study. Often the place of practice becomes the first workplace. This is a profession of ambitious, progressive people striving for success! Where will I work? Area of professional activity (employment): archives, museums, manuscript collections, information resource centers, publishing houses, mass media, various commercial organizations, etc. can carry out professional activities, for example, scientific and technical staff, editor, bibliographer, translator.