Computer Engineering (Information Security)

This undergraduate program prepares specialists in the field of research and design of computing devices, systems and computer networks of a new generation, including computing complexes and communication systems, distributed systems for collecting and processing information, as well as in the field of methods and means of managing IT resources. The program includes two interconnected blocks of disciplines: a professional cycle of engineering training (Major) and an additional profile (Minor). Duration of study: full-time education - 4 years, part-time education - 5 years. The program has state accreditation. The purpose of the program is the acquisition by students of theoretical knowledge, practical skills, obtaining and improving the competencies necessary to solve professional problems in the field of engineering and technology, where it is necessary to effectively solve the problems of research, design and operation of computer systems, computer networks, automated control and management systems, systems information support for the life cycle processes of products, software for computers, complexes, systems and networks. Where will I work? Graduates of the program are in demand in leading local and foreign companies developing and operating hardware and software, in development centers and research centers of multinational companies, in system integrator companies and IT departments of large companies and government agencies.