Design (by type of activity)

Design ( dresses and accessories ) – using modern pedagogical and information technologies, creating a project of a real dress, applying modern technical tools in the field of dress design and artistic design , creating dress design and artistic design methods based on modern computer programs, analyzing the design process and connecting it with production , as well as the design project of clothes, gauze, knitwear, headgear, accessories and fittings; includes a complex of professional areas related to new looks of clothes , development of design-projects of the clothing term, private work activities related to all assortment of men's, women's and children's clothing.


Design (interior design) – specialized art schools for interior design , using modern pedagogical and information technologies, designing interiors and exteriors of public, industrial and residential buildings, children's music and art schools and creating and processing interior and exterior projects based on modern computer programs, conducting free creative activities in the Union of Artists under the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan and building and includes a complex of professional areas related to the creation of interior and exterior design of structures.