RUE also participated in the educational tourism festival organized on the territory of "Suzuk Ota" complex

RUE also participated in the educational tourism festival organized on the territory of "Suzuk Ota" complex


Today, the place and role of "educational tourism" in the field of tourism is increasing. Studying the experiences of foreign countries, we can see that each country's success in education is achieved in different ways. For this reason, in order to introduce the tourist potential of Uzbekistan to the world and to increase foreign demand for the country's tourism, extensive promotional activities were launched in foreign tourism markets.

For this purpose, on August 28 of this year, Renaissance University of Education, along with higher educational institutions of Tashkent, participated in the educational tourism festival organized by the Tashkent City Tourism Department in the center of artisans located in the territory of the "Suzuk Ota" complex.

At the festival, the university officials informed the event participants, foreign guests, parents and young people about the educational process, educational directions, conditions created for students and young people at the university. Detailed answers were given to the questions of interest in the field of education. Advice on visiting, getting to know and studying at the Renaissance University of Education was also shared with young people.