"Rector's Cup" sports competition was organized among professors, teachers and employees at RUE

"Rector's Cup" sports competition was organized among professors, teachers and employees at RUE

"Rector's Cup" sports competitions were organized in order to meaningfully organize the free time of professors and employees of Renaissance University of Education, to involve them in physical education and sports.
They competed in sports: volleyball, table tennis and chess.
The rector of Renaissance University of Education Nusratilla Rajabovich Barakayev opened the tournament with his enthusiastic speech and wished everyone good luck.
Specifically: 15 men and 12 women took part in the chess competition. 
In chess (men):
1st place Bobonazarov Davirbek (senior teacher of the Department of Foreign Philology);
2nd place Yunusov Ganisher (Head of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences);
3rd place Turopov Yorkin (senior teacher of the Department of Social and Political Sciences).
In chess (women):
1st place: Jumayeva Shahzoda (Employee of the press service and admission process coordination department);
2nd place: Magdiyeva Shahzoda (Teacher of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Psychology);
3rd place Hamrayeva Zilola (Senior teacher of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences).
20 male participants and 16 female participants took part in the table tennis competition, which was very hot and uncompromising.
In table tennis (men):
1st place Toychiyev Khurshidbek (Teacher of the Department of Information Technologies);
2nd place Yaqubboyev Shahzod (Head of Press Service and Reception Process Coordination Department);
3rd place Amatboyev Ogabek (Cabinet Head of Sports Activities Department).
Table tennis (women):
1st place Mirzayeva Feruza (Teacher of the Department of Economics and Finance);
2nd place Irisboyeva Yakutkhan (V.B. associate professor of the Department of Pedagogical Education and Psychology);
3rd place Usnaddinova Dilobar (Teacher of the Department of Foreign Philology).
In volleyball, a fierce competition was held between 10 teams, in particular, the following 3 teams took high places:
1st place "Sports activities" team (Sports activities department);
2nd place "Youth" team (Educational and methodological department);
3rd place "Financier" team (Faculty of Mathematics and Economics).
In this way, the "Rector's Cup" competition was held in a special mood. The winners were awarded with special prizes and souvenirs.
For information: this type of inter-university sports competitions was held in the presence of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 5, 2024 "On the priority tasks to be implemented in the fields of education, health care, digitalization, culture and sports". The meeting will be held in order to ensure the performance of the tasks specified in paragraph 53 of the statement No. 9, and to widely promote a healthy lifestyle among the professors and teachers and employees of the university.