Recommendations from the series "10 must-read books"

Recommendations from the series "10 must-read books"

Recommendations from the "10 must-read books" series project by Nusratilla Rajabovich Barakayev, rector of the Renaissance Educational University, and the Information Resource Center.
Must Reads! In my opinion, a self-respecting person (including a student) should read the following books during his life.
Recommended reading list for students.
1. Author: Ernest Seton-Thompson
Book name: Wild quilt
2. Author: Dan Brown
Book Name: The Da Vinci Secret.
3. Author: Abu Nasr Farabi
Book title: The City of Virtuous People.
4. Author: O'tkir Hashimov
Book title: Between two doors.
5. Author: Leo Tolstoy
Book title: War and Peace