"Future Programmers" programming Olympiad was held

"Future Programmers" programming Olympiad was held

The purpose of organizing the "Future Programmers" Olympiad, held by the "Mathematics and Information Technologies" department, is to interest young students in IT and programming, which is considered a relevant profession today, and at the same time, to check their knowledge potential and provide appropriate encouragement.
The contest was announced in the activists' hall of the Renaissance Educational University. And the listeners were introduced to the conditions: they were given 10 (program) problems and 2 hours to solve them. It was mentioned that only those who can solve the most problems correctly during the given time period can win.
After that, students who wanted to try their luck went to the computer in IRC.
At the end of the event, the winning participants were identified, and the university management presented them with souvenirs and diplomas:
1st place. Kocharov Jamoliddin from the Faculty of Extracurricular Education (Big earphone) 
2nd place. Orolov Asadbek from the Faculty of Day Education (Mini column)
3rd place. Nuriddinov Saidahror from the Faculty of Day Education (Bluetooth keyboard)
In addition, the 4th, 5th and 6th places were awarded with a special university T-shirt and cap. The rest of the participants were presented with a special university notepad and pen.